



Tinnitus is commonly referred to as a “ringing of the ear,” but it also appears as different sounds.

The experience of tinnitus differs from person to person: the sounds have been characterized, in addition to a ringing, as a whoosh, a pop, a buzz, a clanging, a rush of air, a whistle, or a low roar.

Tinnitus is a frustrating condition that usually has no singular cause. The sounds of tinnitus may be constant or temporary, and they may affect one or both ears. The sounds may also fluctuate in volume and frequency throughout the day. Tinnitus has been linked to problems with concentration and sleep, as well as increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Prevalence of Tinnitus

According to the American Tinnitus Association, an estimated “one-third of all adults experience tinnitus at some point in their lives.” Temporary tinnitus may appear after exposure to loud sounds, while chronic tinnitus lasts for longer periods of time.

The US Centers for Disease Control estimates that approximately 15% of adults (50 million people) experience some form of tinnitus, with about 20 million people with chronic tinnitus. An estimated 2 million experience debilitating tinnitus. Additionally, an estimated 60% of veterans returning from combat zones have reported cases of both tinnitus and hearing loss. Nationwide, approximately 16 million Americans seek medical attention for tinnitus.

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Tinnitus and Hearing Loss

Approximately 80% to 90% of tinnitus cases go hand in hand with hearing loss.

Hearing specialists believe this is due to the relationship between hearing and inner ear hair cells. Certain forms of hearing loss are caused by damage of inner ear hair cells. Inner ear hair cells are responsible for translating sound vibrations into neural signals recognized by our brains as sound. When these hair cells are damaged, hearing specialists theorize that they may send phantom signals to the brain, which are registered as sound.

Causes of Tinnitus

If you are experiencing tinnitus, come visit us at Cadenza Audiology. We’ll take a look in your ear canals first. In some cases, the cause may be obvious due to impacted earwax. The removal of this blockage could eliminate tinnitus.
In other instances, tinnitus may appear as a symptom of ear diseases such as Meniere’s disease, which affects the level of fluid in the inner ear. Tinnitus may also appear as a side effect of certain ototoxic medications – “poisonous to the ear” – which lead to the damage of inner ear hair cells. These medications include but are not limited to certain classes of anticancer chemotherapy medications, diuretics, and antibiotics. Speak to your medical doctor if you believe your medication may be causing tinnitus or hearing loss.
Other causes of tinnitus include exposure to loud noises in a single event or over a long period of time. Injury or trauma to the head, neck, and throat area, as well as tumors, infections, and hormonal changes, may all potentially cause tinnitus. Because tinnitus often appears as a symptom of another condition, whether it is disease or hearing loss, the causes are not abundantly clear.
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Tinnitus Management

Here at Cadenza Audiology, we understand the challenges of living with tinnitus and we have solutions for effective tinnitus management. If you are suffering from tinnitus or sound sensitivity issues, many investigative diagnostic tests will be performed to evaluate your condition. Dr. Lee will work with you to establish an individualized treatment plan based on your specific tinnitus symptoms and lifestyle needs.

As tinnitus and hearing loss often appear together, many hearing aid manufacturers offer devices equipped with tinnitus treatment in the form of sound therapy.

These therapies include white noise generators or other soothing synthetic tones to “mask” the symptoms of tinnitus. Certain manufacturers offer tinnitus therapy programs that include exercises to retrain the brain and relaxation exercises to aid in falling asleep.
Dr. Lee is experienced and knowledgeable in various tinnitus management solutions, all of which can be tailored to give you the quality of life you deserve. Some options include:

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Hearing | Tinnitus | Pediatrics

Our mission at Cadenza Audiology is to affirm the value and dignity of each person by supporting and enhancing the individual’s ability to communicate, to connect with loved ones, and to enjoy life to its fullest. We believe in applying the latest research and technology to empower each unique individual.
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