Hearing loss is defined as “a partial or total inability to hear” and is the third most common medical condition in the US, after arthritis and heart disease.
It is estimated that 60% of the workforce experiences some degree of hearing loss. Although hearing loss is quite common among older Americans, it is reported that it takes a person an average of seven years from the time they experience early signs of hearing loss until they take a hearing test and seek treatment.
In the United States, an estimated 48 million Americans (20%) experience some degree of hearing loss. Approximately one in three older Americans (ages 65 and over) experience hearing loss, while for school-aged children, the statistic is 30 out of every 1000.
Consequences of Untreated Hearing Loss
Studies have found potential links between untreated hearing loss and dementia;
Types, Degrees, and Configurations of Hearing Loss
There are three types of hearing loss: Conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss.
Hearing loss ranges in degrees of severity, from slight to profound.
People with mild hearing loss might not be able to hear a whisper, while those who suffer from moderate to severe hearing loss will struggle to hear a conversation in a busy space, a TV set at high volume, or a doorbell. Profound hearing loss prevents people from hearing most musical instruments, and the shout of a human voice, to name a few.
The configuration of hearing loss refers to the different frequencies and tones one is able to hear. It also describes whether the hearing loss occurs in one ear (unilateral) or both ears (bilateral). Symmetrical hearing loss means the degree and configuration are the same in both ears, while asymmetrical means they are different depending on the ear.
Causes of Hearing Loss
Age-related hearing loss, otherwise known as presbycusis,
Exposure to loud sounds throughout our lives could gradually lead to noise-induced hearing loss.
Other causes of hearing loss include certain diseases such as:
- Otosclerosis (a defect with middle ear bones)
- Meniere’s disease (a disorder of the inner ear, also related to tinnitus and vertigo)
- Head trauma
- Perforated eardrums
- Ear infections (otitis media – infection of the inner ear)
- Benign tumors
- Impacted earwax.
Certain classes of medication that are ototoxic (poisonous to the ear) could lead to hearing loss; if you are experiencing side effects, contact your primary doctor about your hearing.
Hidden Hearing Loss
Hidden hearing loss can be elusive because of how hearing abilities are tested.
In these soundproof situations, a hidden hearing loss does not interfere with your ability to pick up sound.
Contrast this to situations in which a hidden hearing loss would actually prove difficult: noisy restaurants, outdoor settings with wind interference, driving in a car, sitting in the middle of cross-conversations with multiple speakers, and so on. It’s no surprise that people with hidden hearing loss can hear in quiet places, but not noisy ones. This is why identifying a hidden hearing loss proves difficult – a hidden hearing loss only appears in conditions that are difficult to measure.
In addition to basic hearing tests, the following assessments may help us determine whether a hidden hearing loss is present:
- Otoacoustic emissions (OAE): a test that measures the sounds the ear produces in response to soft sounds.
- Tympanometry: a test that measures the movement of the eardrum in response to changes in air pressure.
- QuickSIN: a test that measures the ability to hear in noise.
- Extended high frequency test: Testing frequencies above 8000 Hz, which is typical cut off of conventional audiogram.
- Acoustic Reflex measures: measurement of middle ear muscles reaction to sounds
Hearing Loss Treatment
Hear Freely. Laugh Heartily. Live Fully.
Hearing | Tinnitus | Pediatrics