Hearing Aids


Hearing Aids


Hearing aids are specialized treatment devices designed to help people with hearing impairments.

 These devices work by amplifying sound to a level where it can be easily heard and understood. Hearing aids come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles, ranging from more advanced digital models to simple behind-the-ear style versions. They are often custom-fitted to the user's ear, ensuring optimal output capabilities and comfort.

Hearing aids may also incorporate special features such as noise reduction and directional microphone systems for enhanced sound clarity. Most importantly, they must be prescribed by audiologists, who evaluate both hearing ability and lifestyle to determine the best treatment options. Hearing aids are individually fitted and programmed to suit the wearer's specific needs. For this reason, it is important to schedule an appointment for a hearing test. Whether you are new to hearing aids or you have a pair you’d like to have adjusted, Cadenza Audiology is here to help. Dr. Lee can service your hearing aids and she also works with all major hearing aid brands.

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First developed over a century ago, hearing aids in the 21st century continue to evolve into smarter, beneficial devices as technology advances.

Hearing aids are small, electronic devices that receive and amplify sound from your environment and direct this amplified sound into your ears. Though hearing aids come in many different sizes, shapes, and styles, they share main components:

  • Microphone: picks up sound;
  • Amplifier: makes sound louder;
  • Receiver: sends amplified sound into ear.
  • Battery: provides energy supply.

Hearing Aid Styles

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Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) & Completely-in-Canal (CIC)

 IIC and CIC hearing aids are the smallest hearing aid options and are preferred by people who want complete discretion with their hearing devices. Worn deep inside your ear canal, they are invisible when worn. To make adjustments to the listening experience, IIC and CIC hearing aids are controlled by a remote.
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Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) & Receiver-in-the-Ear (RITE)

RIC and RITE hearing aids look like behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids, but they differ in terms of the position of the speaker. The microphone and processor are encased in the plastic component that rests over the ear, while the speaker rests inside the ear canal.
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Behind-the-Ear (BTE)

BTE hearing aids have two main parts, with the plastic housing worn over the ear. Often discreet in color and size, this plastic component holds the electronic parts of the hearing aid. Plastic tubing connects to a custom-fitted earmold that sits inside the ear canal and delivers sound. BTE hearing aids come in an array of small sizes, with the mini-BTE as the smallest option. These are the most flexible of hearing aid models, accommodating a wide range of degrees of hearing loss.
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In-the-Ear (ITE)

ITE hearing aids are worn in the ear and require a custom fitting made of a mold of your ears and ear canals. ITE hearing aids are available in full-shell or half-shell options and sit on the surface of your ear. Full-shell ITE hearing aids treat moderate to severe hearing loss, while half-shell ITE hearing aids are used to treat milder degrees of hearing loss. Though they are visible, the plastic outer casing of ITE hearing aids can be customized to match your skin tone.
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Hearing Aid Features

Whatever the style, all hearing aids offer the same basic features. Directional microphones amplify the sounds you want to hear, while automatic volume controls amplify selective sounds depending on your hearing loss and minimize sounds that are extraneous.

Most hearing aids have telecoils, a setting that allows you to connect to induction loop systems via electromagnetic waves, which deliver crisp sound from PA systems directly to your ears.

Most contemporary hearing aids use digital technology (as opposed to analog, in which you had to make adjustments manually), that automatically filters and reduces buzzing and whistling and remembers your preferred sound settings. Additionally, most hearing aids now are equipped with Bluetooth.
Hearing aids are usually made by creating a mold of the ear from silicon. When you visit us for a consultation, Dr. Lee will help you determine the best hearing aid to treat your hearing needs and fit your aesthetic preferences and lifestyle.
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Hearing | Tinnitus | Pediatrics

Our mission at Cadenza Audiology is to affirm the value and dignity of each person by supporting and enhancing the individual’s ability to communicate, to connect with loved ones, and to enjoy life to its fullest. We believe in applying the latest research and technology to empower each unique individual.
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